Companies that struggle with anti-bribery and corruption compliance are often struggling with a much more fundamental question: how to embed compliance into their culture.
This is becoming a concern, not only for human resources departments, but also increasingly for law-makers and regulators. Updated guidance on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, for example, calls for businesses to “foster a culture of ethics and compliance with the law at all levels of the company”.
When it comes to embedding a culture of compliance, policy documents and codes of conduct can only take us so far. Without an effective communication and training programme, companies risk promoting values on paper which do not reflect the behaviours of their staff and third parties in reality.
However, research gathered from the assessment work of business ethics experts GoodCorporation indicates that many companies are still failing to get this right.
More than half of companies failed to demonstrate adequate procedures for communicating their anti-bribery and corruption policies to third parties. This is concerning when we consider the high proportion of corruption scandals linked to third-party activity.
As part of the Pearl Initiative’s Combating Corruption series, this webinar will examine the role communication and training in the fight against corporate corruption.
It will examine data taken from over 100 on-site anti-bribery and corruption assessments over the past 10 years, in which more than 7,000 business practices have been put to the test. From this data, we will identify those areas where companies most often fail, and the examples of best practice which can help companies succeed.
The following areas will be discussed in detail:
– How to assess bribery and corruption controls
– The role of communication, training and good corporate culture in international anti-bribery
and corruption regulation
– Data from over 100 on-site assessments, showing how well companies are performing in their
communication and training on bribery and corruption
– Examples of where communication and training programmes most often fail
– Examples of best practice in the area of communication and training
– Expert advice for participants on how companies can provide meaningful communication,
training and engagement in the area of bribery and corruption