Every day brings new reports of companies falling foul of anti-bribery and corruption rules and regulations – money laundering, fraud, kickbacks and other inducements to win contracts or gain favours. Despite laws prohibiting bribery in most countries around the world, these unethical and often dangerous behaviours persist and show little sign of relenting.

As a result, governments and regulators around the world are intensifying their efforts to compel organisations to mitigate these risks by implementing robust anti-bribery and corruption procedures.

GoodCorporation is one of the leading practitioners in assessing, advising and measuring corporate anti-corruption programmes. GoodCorporation has worked with public and private sector organisations around the world since the start of the millennium to test the strength and effectiveness of their anti-corruption management procedures.

It is based on the knowledge gained from this immense experience that GoodCorporation is leading this series of webinars, giving companies the knowledge and the tools they need to mitigate the risks and achieve best practice.

Due diligence of third parties remains the least adequate of the anti-corruption practices GoodCorporation has assessed. In this first session, on the importance of robust third-party checks and due diligence, the following topics will be discussed in detail:

  • Assessing bribery and corruption controls and the role of GoodCorporation
  • Brief history of how the regulatory landscape has changed in recent years with regard to bribery and corruption
  • What requirements are in place in the area of due diligence specifically
  • Data from GoodCorporation’s 100+ assessments showing how well companies are meeting their due diligence obligations
  • Examples of where due diligence systems most often fail
  • Examples of best practice in due diligence
  • How companies can overcome the challenges and succeed in this notoriously difficult area where others often fail

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