On Wednesday, April 12, 2017 the Pearl Initiative co-hosted a roundtable discussion with the Qatar International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) highlighting the importance of good corporate governance in enhancing SME competitiveness in the region.

The discussion marks the launch of the Pearl Initiative’s region-wide programme to raise awareness about the benefits of good corporate governance and accountability for SMEs in terms of long-term business sustainability and profitability. The programme constitutes a series of interactive roundtables, workshops and a Gulf-wide survey that seeks to understand the challenges that SMEs in the region face and to identify solutions and opportunities. The session commenced with opening remarks from Remy Rowhani, Managing Director, International Chamber of Commerce Qatar follow by an introductory statement by Carla Koffel, Director, Pearl Initiative. Saleh Hussain, Founder, Saleh Hussain Consultancy then provided the opening keynote and delivered a presentation on “Enhancing the Competitiveness of SMEs Through Improved Governance Practices”.

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