This session will be the second in our two-part 2023 Exploring Series, where we explore different facets of strategic giving from various perspectives by bringing in global keynote speakers, with expert facilitation from 21/64.  These sessions are an excellent learning opportunity, networking platform, provide a space to interact with global speakers, and knowledge sharing amongst your peers. Held as part of our Governance in Philanthropy Programme’s ‘Circle’, this session will demonstrate best governance practices through the Art of Advocacy and Storytelling in Philanthropy.

Harnessing the power of advocacy and storytelling can elevate awareness around an issue we are trying to advance and make it go from a small change to a transformative one. How can we tap into the power of local journalists to cover our issues from our perspective, not just within the region but at the global stage? Join us for an immersive discussion with seasoned experts, to hear how they approach covering an issue and how we can consider advocacy and storytelling to evoke empathy, inspire action and effect meaningful change for the issues we support and communities we champion. The session will be the second in our two-part Exploring Series for 2023 and will feature guest speakers Cristi Hegranes, CEO and Publisher at Global Press and our very own Circle member, Muna AbuSulayman, Partner at Transform VC.

Note: You are not required to have attended the first part of the series to attend this session. Both convenings are independent sessions of the Exploring Series.

Kindly note that this is a closed event for Circle network members. If you are either an individual or institutional philanthropic donor and are interested in being a Circle member and/or joining the event, please contact us at Visit the Circle site to learn more about the network. 

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