In partnership with Nasser Bin Khaled Holding, Pearl Initiative hosted this interactive roundtable in Doha. The successful forum offered an opportunity for participants to share experiences and viable strategies for attracting, retaining and promoting women in senior corporate positions in Qatar and the wider region.
The business case for greater levels of gender diversity in leadership teams and on boards is clearly linked to enhanced strategic decision making, better governance and closer understanding of target markets. Women’s empowerment in the Gulf Region has made significant progress over recent years, but the number of women making it through to senior executive roles remains relatively low.
This interactive roundtable that was held on 9 March 2016 in Doha convened more than 60 executives from public and private sector companies, family firms, state-owned entities, academia and government institutions. The platform offered an opportunity for participants to share experiences and viable strategies for attracting, retaining and promoting women in senior corporate positions in Qatar and the wider region. As part of the agenda, the session highlighted key findings from Pearl Initiative’s 2015 report, ‘Women’s Careers in the GCC: The CEO Agenda’.
Summary Participant Outcome Actions Make the link between Qatar Vision 2020, and the strategic imperative at the country and company level, to communicate and raise awareness on the need for and business benefit of fully utilising half the Qatari workforce.
Promote a corporate culture based on performance and results in which outcomes are measured by KPIs, rather than inputs based on the time spent in the office. Ensure the development of clear and equitable guidelines and policies, and anchor gender diversity in the company code of conduct.
Encourage the next generation to take part in team sports, to help develop teamwork and leadership skills.